Update of “Privacy” information Art. 13 Legislative Decree 196/2003; Articles 13 and following Reg. UE 679/2016
Dear Customer
in compliance with the obligations established by the articles. 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196 of 06/30/03 (Code regarding the protection of personal data) and EU Reg. 679/2016 containing rules relating to the protection of natural persons, the Company MONTI32 S.r.l. with registered office in Viale Papiniano 32 Milan, and operational headquarters in Via Piero Capponi, 3, 20145 Milan, independent Data Controller (hereinafter, also “Company”) informs you that the data collected have been and will be subjected to processing according to principles of correctness and transparency and will be collected to an adequate, relevant and limited extent to the previously determined, explicit and legitimate purposes of the processing.
We also provide you with the following information:
a) our Data Protection Officer is Dr. Eleonora Cerofolini, available for the exercise of your rights, at the Company’s certified e-mail address monti32srl@legalmail.it and on our website www.monti32.it
b) the purposes of the processing for which the personal data are intended as well as the legal basis of the processing consist exclusively of those strictly connected and instrumental to the fulfillment of the obligations inherent to the relationships with our Company, in particular:
- for a better placing of the property owned on the market through billboards or publications
- for a better search for the property requested by you for the insertion of the personal data into the company IT databases;
The data and information relating to your property, including photos of the same, will also be processed for the carrying out of promotional and commercial practices aimed at the correct execution of the mandate/assignment, including verbal ones, entrusted, and may be disseminated through publication on websites. internet, social networks and/or paper publications of the owner, subject to his express consent.
- for fulfillments and obligations established by laws, regulations and community regulations or by provisions issued by authorities legitimated by law and by supervisory and control bodies;
- to fulfill contractual and legal obligations deriving from the relationship established with you, or to carry out your pre- and post-contractual requests and in any case for the management of our commercial and/or professional relationships;
- for the management of collections and payments
- for operations relating to the management of tasks and/or mandates with the related connected and consequential obligations, as established by current regulations
- purposes of identification, recording, transmission, reporting of suspicious transactions as well as for the establishment of the register as established in circulars 141, 142, 143 as referred to by the Ministerial Decree. 141/06, as well as by Legislative Decree 54/06 and as amended by Legislative Decree. 231/2007 and subsequent amendments and additions (anti-money laundering legislation)
c) The recipients or any categories of recipients of the personal data; for the purposes of the execution of the contract and for the purposes indicated above, are made up of:
- all natural and legal persons (notaries, various professionals, couriers and forwarders, data processing centers, etc.) in cases where communication is necessary and/or mandatory for the contractual purposes illustrated above;
- banking institutions for the management of collections and payments;
- bodies, companies and institutes of the banking, credit, insurance and financial services;
- our collaborators, interns, trainees and/or consultants, attorneys, even occasional, employees, specifically appointed and within the scope of their duties within our company. In this regard, we inform you that from an organizational point of view, controls are carried out both on the assignment of tasks to the subjects under the authority of the owner (internal representatives) responsible for processing the data and on the classification of the data themselves.
d) Duration of treatment and storage The Data Controller will process the Data for the time strictly necessary to fulfill the contractual, accounting and administrative purposes, or until the duration of the services covered by the contract/mandate or assignment, subject to renewal and for a period of further 10 years in line with tax obligations from the expiry of the last service performed (variable in the case of particular EU regulations and directives that require a further retention period) to fulfill the legal and regulatory obligations envisaged;
For the purposes of this information, the data will in any case be retained until your consent is revoked.
e) Method of processing: data processing will be carried out by the owner, the manager(s) and the persons in charge and may take place using paper media and/or with the aid of IT tools, connected or not to the network, and telematics; with logic strictly connected to the declared purposes and, in any case, in such a way as to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data themselves.
f) The data will be processed for the purposes connected and/or instrumental to the contractual activities, in compliance with the purposes to be pursued above, and kept, also for the purposes of possible portability, for a period not exceeding that strictly necessary for the pursuit of the purposes of above and in accordance with fiscal and legal obligations and made available to you subject to the payment of the balance of the agreed fees. The processing carried out by the Data Controller is not subject to automated decision-making processes and their processing does not involve profiling of any kind.
e) Nature of data collection and consequences of failure to provide it
The provision of data is:
- mandatory to achieve the purposes related to the obligations established by laws or other binding regulations; and their failure to provide them could make it impossible to fulfill the mandate
- necessary for the correct establishment and continuation of the relationship established with you.
Any refusal to provide the above data, although certainly legitimate, could compromise the regular conduct of the relationship with the Company and, in particular, could make it impossible for us to execute your orders, as well as to carry out the provision of the requested services and related invoicing.
f) At any time you can exercise your rights of access, rectification, or cancellation (so-called right to be forgotten) of your personal data or lodge a complaint and request the limitation of processing by writing to monti32srl@legalmail.it. We will take care of doing so within 30 days of receiving your request. In case of failure to comply with your request, within the same 30 days, we will inform you of the reasons for non-compliance and of the possibility of lodging a complaint with a Supervisory Authority which for the Italian territory is the Guarantor for the protection of personal data according to the procedures provided on the garanteprivacy.it website.